A Man's Vow

I promise myself to be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind. To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person I meet. To make all my friends feel that there is something in them. To look at the sunny side of everything and make my optimism come true. To think only of the best, to work only for the best and expect only the best. To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own. To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature I meet a smile. To give so much time to the improvements of myself that I have no time to criticize others. To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear and too happy to permit the presence of trouble. So help me God.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Readings for the week of November 3rd


Monday: Acts 8-9
Tuesday: Acts 10-12
Wednesday: Acts 13-15
Thursday: Acts 16-18
Friday: Review
Saturday: Acts 19-20
Sunday: Acts 21-23

We are about 6 weeks away from TAC. I hope that you have made the necessary plans to be off work on those dates. The dates are December
11-14. Those days are Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and returning home on Sunday morning. I know some of you may want more details about what we will be doing for TAC, but that's the great thing about TAC.....you don't know jack!

All Rookies.....I repeat, all Rookies. I need your ring sizes. Some of you sent them to me before and I can't seem to find the file with the sizes, so please send them again to me. I need these sizes by Friday of this week. If I don't get them, you will be without TAG.....The Alliance Gear.

Leading men, changing lives, bringing strength, impacting people.....Alliance Strong!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Jesse Boyd's 10/28 Teaching

We’re Supposed to be Different

My teaching continues on the themes of recent calls. As a side bar I can say I really appreciate what you guys are bringing to the calls. It’s really got me thinking.

A few weeks ago on one of our ACCs during a discussion Anthony Powell made a comment that stuck with me as did Frank Thomas’ message about doing your best and giving of yourself to others. If you recall, Anthony made a comment about being frustrated at times with the behavior of Christians because he thought they should know how to act. At the time I disagreed. I thought that it made sense that Christians would be frustrating because of the myriad of life circumstances that would bring people into relationship with Christ. My feeling is that people can be basically pretty messed up and why would they be any different than anyone else anyway? But reading a recent teaching from John Maxwell has given me a different perspective on Anthony’s comment.

The scripture reference that affected me is from Leviticus 18:4-5

You shall observe My judgments and keep My ordinances, to walk in them: I am the Lord your God. You shall therefore keep my statutes and My judgments, which if a man does, he shall live by them. I am the Lord.

Here’s the kicker. God calls His people to live at a standard higher than the unbelievers who surround them. In Leviticus chapters 18, 19 and 20, God reviews His higher standards regarding relationships, religion, and the rights and responsibilities of community members.

2 Questions:

1. Why the higher standards?

2. Why must we keep faithful in keeping higher standards than the rest of the world?

1. God intended Israel to be a light and a standard for the rest of the world, and Israel's leaders to be a light and a standard for the Jewish nation. God expects the same of leaders today.

2. To make us qualified for ministry. To be like Jesus. To guarantee God's blessing on our life.

Those who choose to pursue life at God's higher standard are characterized by the following things:

They adopt godly values.
They care for the interests of others.
They live with integrity.
They keep their word.
They develop their gifts and potential.
They manage time and money well.
They pass on to others what they have received.

This is at the heart of what Koop is trying to do with The Alliance. We should look at our association as more than just supporting each other and holding each other accountable but also putting emphasis on raising our level of living to impact those around us to the glory of God.

Reading for the week of 10/27/08


Monday: John 6-8
Tuesday: Review
Wednesday: John 9-12
Thursday: John 13-17
Friday: John 18-21
Saturday: Acts 1-4
Sunday: Acts 5-8

Leading men, changing lives, bringing strength, impacting people.....Alliance Strong!


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Notes from Frank Thomas' 10/21 ACC Teaching

Much like all of you, I am on a journey as a Christian man. But, as a Christian man, at times, I struggle and am challenged by taking my place and fulfilling my God-given purpose. None of us can do it on our own. I think you ALL know that as evidenced by your affiliation and membership at Oasis and your participation in this group.

We need the help of each other. Sometimes to inspire us; sometimes to help motivate us; sometimes to witness to us about God’s love, compassion, promises and plans for our lives. But, ALL of the times we need help from each other to help us be accountable for living our passionate God-ordained destiny as Christian men.

So, how do we get on and stay on the right track to fulfilling our divine destinies?

I believe there are two ways.. The first way is to EXAMINE YOUR HEART.

Being a part of this group is a great start. But it goes deeper than that.. Accountability is about looking in the mirror each day and knowing that in your heart of hearts your life stands for something; something greater than self and understanding that you have a responsibility to exercise 100% of your GOD-given potential. The potential that God puts in your heart is not yours to waste or be frivolous with. It’s not yours to decide whether or not you are going to address or engage it. GOD put it in your heart so that you could glorify HIS name and help bring others into relationship with HIM. It’s your commission do such.

Understand that you are not ordinary. There is nothing ordinary about you. Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. You were made to do great things by our Creator. And, because of that, we cannot hide from our responsibility to be accountable for the blessings we have been given and did nothing to deserve, especially as Christians. If not us, WHO?

The second way I believe we get on and stay on the right track to fulfilling our divine destinies is by HELPING OTHERS TO EXAMINE THEIR HEARTS; Then, helping them to fulfill their destinies.

I think that is the essence of what this group is all about. Men helping other men become all that GOD has given them life to be. By investing in each other’s lives, you are repaid with someone else’s time, support and love. By helping someone else’s light to shine our light shines brighter. We reaffirm biblical principles that GOD has commanded us to live by (“Give and you shall receive”.).

There is no greater gift in life than to watch someone grow right before your eyes and know that you had a small hand in helping them blossom. There is no greater gift than to plant a seed in the life of someone who feels like their life is meaningless or as if they are not worthy of God’s love and watch the redemption; the acceptance of God’s love because you took the time to invest in that person’s life.

I hope this message leaves you inspired to look deeper into your hearts. I hope it leaves you inspired to connect on a deeper level with GOD so that HE can reveal and you can pursue HIS purpose for your life. And, when it is revealed, engage that purpose with all of your heart.
I hope this message leaves you inspired to help others examine their hearts and to make yourself available to help them to fulfill their GOD-given purpose.
In closing, when you settle for less than God’s intended purpose for your life, you are destined for life of unfulfilled promise. You can sometimes hide that disappointment and emptiness associated with not living up to your promise, from the world. You can never hide it from yourself. And, you know you can never hide it from HIM.

The good news is that by making yourself available to others, others are going to make themselves available to you. You have a network of men who are here to support you in being accountable to yourself, to others and, most importantly, to GOD. Lean on your brothers because we can’t do it on our own! We need each other!

There is a passionate, meaningful purpose that resides in the heart of every man that desires to be unleashed. Men of Oasis, stand up and take your place!

God bless!

Readings for the week of October 20th


Monday: Luke 13-15
Tuesday: Review
Wednesday: Luke 16-18
Thursday: Luke 19-21
Friday: Luke 22-24
Saturday: John 1-2
Sunday: John 3-5

We will have guest speaker on the call tomorrow. Let's be on time.

Leading men, changing lives, bringing strength, impacting people.....Alliance Strong!


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Reading for the week of October 13th


Sorry for the lateness of the reading email. As I stated to all of you once before, if you get my email late, you should always read about 4 chapters to stay on track with the reading.

Keep Jamie Nations in your prayers as he is not traveling all over the world and will not be back until sometime around the Thanksgiving Holidays. Shoot him an email and check his blog that he will be sending us. He is gonna need us.....regardless of what he says. :)

Monday: Mark 11-13
Tuesday: Review
Wednesday: Mark 14-16
Thursday: Luke 1-2
Friday: Luke 3-6
Saturday: Luke 7-9
Sunday: Luke 10-12

I need the following people to call me and speak to me this week: Jessie Boyd, James Blake, Anthony Powell, Joynier Lockett, and Ray Pascua. Make sure we talk fellas, even if we play phone tag for a while. WE need to speak this week.

Leading men, changing lives, bringing strength, impacting people.....Alliance Strong!


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Anthony Powell's 10/7 Teaching

"Shame on me, No..Shame get off me."

Psalm 130

God keeps no record of sin. They don't hold any value to him so they shouldn't hold any value to us. The Bible says he cast them as far as the East is to the West. We are the ones who relive them and allow them to have power over us, when God moved on the moment you confessed it and layed it down. If he's not punishing us then why do we want to take his job. If he's a God of justice and we've been pardoned thanks to the blood of Jesus, then why aren't we satifsified with the sentence that was passed. We are free in Christ. We're like that annoying friend who keeps remindind you of an embarassing moment they you've long forgotten. Don't do that to yourself.
Shame doe have a place. It is our capacity for shame that enables us to live comfortably within the boundaries and limit set for us by our capabilities, our relationship with others and our own sense of dignity and self worth. It reminds us who God is. We are not without limits.
Guilt and Shame are not the same. Guilt can pass once reconcilitation has been achieved. Shame has to do with a loss to one's identity and being. Long after the guilt has been removed objectively, one can still be caught in the dehumanizing grip of shame. It's the loss of self. Somehow we hold onto the feeling that we are unworthy of love, honor or respect.

How do you move past shame?

-Call it out. Being shamed is a violation of self which occurs with human interaction. Where ever there is blame there is shame. One continually feeds the other. Stop blaming yourself. You are forgiven. Stop the self abuse.
-Shame grows in secret. Admit our mistakes and ask for help. Bring it into the light. Fear of exposure only drives us deeper into hiding in a desperate attempt to preserve some semblance of decency. When we've been shamed we put on fig leaves to maintain a sense of acceptability. God accepts us as we are...period.
-Give it to God. Lay it all at the foot of the cross. Walk away, really walk away.

Reading for Week of 10/6


Before the end of the week, I need to get the following information from all of you.....yes ALL OF YOU. I need to know:

1. Your ring size (go to your nearest jewelry store and get sized or if you already know from last year, then just send it to me.)
2. Your shirt size (xxl, xl, s, m)
3. If you are behind on your dues, I need to you to pay in full (what you have missed) by our next SMS. If you are having financial difficulties, then let me know. We will work something out.

I want this information from you by Friday. Failure to get it to me, means you will not receive what you are suppose to be receiving.

Here is the reading for this week:

Monday: Matthew 20-23
Tuesday: Review
Wednesday: Matthew 24-25
Thursday: Matthew 26-28
Friday: Mark 1-3
Saturday: Mark 4-7
Sunday: Mark 8-10

Leading men, changing lives, bringing strength, impacting people.....Alliance Strong!


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Reading for Week of September 29‏


I have thoroughly enjoyed reading through the Old Testament. If you are behind, then start where we are for this week. This week we begin reading through the New Testament. For those of you who are scholars of the New Testament, you should be fired up by now. It's been a great journey. We are less than a 100 days away from ending this year and beginning a new one. Make strong choices today, so that you will position yourself for better choices tomorrow.

This Week's Reading:

Monday: Zechariah 12-14
Tuesday: Malachi 1-4
Wednesday: Matthew 1-4
Thursday: Matthew 5-7
Friday: Matthew 8-11
Saturday: Matthew 12-15
Sunday: Matthew 16-19

Do not be alarmed. There is no review this week, so just enjoy your time of purposeful reading.

Purpose and Strength,


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Reading for week of September 23‏


Not until I spoke with Jamie Nations did I realize that I had not sent out the reading for this week. I apologize for that. Moving forward, if at anytime I fail to send out the reading lesson on Monday, you should know that the reading continues by reading at least 3-4 chapters a day. If it's less than that once you have received the reading plan, then you have succeeded at staying ahead of the reading. Good!

Lately I have been pondering thoughts of what we do in The Alliance and how much of what we have learned, are we still doing. For example: How many of you know the 8 Disciplines of The Alliance? Are you applying those disciplines every day of your life? Have they helped you to grow in some aspect of your life? What are the 5 tools that every man has to complete the work God has given him? How much of the history of The Alliance do you know and are teaching the Rookies? Do you know the Vow, The Covenant, Vision and Mission of The Alliance.

This week and continuing on to the end of the year, we will be reviewing those aforementioned elements of The Alliance. Come TAC time, this information will be valuable.

The first discipline of The Alliance is faith. What is faith? Can your faith fail you or do you fail to have enough faith? In the Bible, faith is described as the substance of things HOPED for. The EVIDENCE of things not seen. Hope and evidence are two words you normally do not put into the same sentence. If I hope for something, there is usually some evidence that it's there, and if it's not, do I still hope for it?

Many of you have never seen a million dollars in cash, but you believe that it exist. Even if you have no evidence of it in your bank account, you still believe that a million dollars exist somewhere in someone's account. Your faith is more than just a belief. It is a posture we have in our relationship with God. Sometimes we don't need evidence, we just need to believe.

Your reading for this week:

Monday: Haggi 1-2
Tuesday: Zechariah 1-2
Wednesday: Zechariah 3-4
Thursday: Zechariah 5-6
Friday: Zechariah 7-8
Saturday: Zechariah 9-11
Sunday: Review

Leading men, changing lives, bringing strength, impacting people.....Alliance Strong!


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Reading for the Week of 9/1


I don't know about you, but I am feeling some changes happening in the lives of the men of The Alliance. Good changes, that have resulted from growth, not changes as a result of desperation. Good work men. I'm looking forward to the testimonies. If you have experienced an area of growth in your life, please let me know.

This week we read about the life of Hosea. Hosea is a prophet, just like Isiaah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel, however, unlike the previous 4, we see insights of Hosea's personal life. He married a "ho." Yep, a nasty "ho." Of course in the Bible, she is called a "prostitute," but we know it's a "ho!" Hosea marries a woman named Gomer.....not Pyle, just Gomer......okay, some of you may not get that joke. Moving on.

Hosea is instructed by God to marry this woman. God knows she is a prostitute and Hosea knows she is a prostitue, and he marries her anyway. After they are married, Gomer gives birth to three kids over a period of time. She then leaves Hosea and goes back to her old ways. Sound familiar? How many times has God blessed you to overcome a temptation or situation and you go right back to the same old tricks again.

Gomer leaves Hosea and Hosea goes to find her in the streets. He finds her and pays a hefty price to get her back from her pimp. He loves her more than he did to begin with and they live happily ever after. God said of Hosea's love, "So will I love my people. They have gone Whoring after other people and nations. I will find them, bless them, and love them more.

The relationship with Hosea and Gomer was one-sided. Where is your relationship with God one-sided? Hit me back.

Your reading for this week:

Monday: Hosea 1-3

Tuesday: Hosea 4-6

Wednesday: Hosea 7-8

Thursday: Hosea 9-11:11

Friday: Hosea 11:12-14

Saturday: Joel 1-3

Sunday: Review

Enjoy the reading.

Leading men, changing lives, bringing strength, impacting people.....Alliance Strong!


Monday, August 25, 2008

Weekly Readings for the Week of 8/25


We just read about Ezekiel and the valley of dry bones.  Here is a valley full of dead, broken, dry, bones, yet God raised them up to be a mighty army (kinda makes you think that what happened in Lord of The Rings was acutally true, huh?)

If God can raise up dead bones to make a new nations, what do you think he can do through you in the lives of others who are spiritually dead?  Take the time this week to minister to someone who needs a little encouraging.  Even in your personal life, take this time to stop doing what you normally do that keeps you dried up and do something to feed your spirit.

The reading for this week is as follows:

Monday:  Ezekiel 40-43

Tuesday:  Ezekiel 44-48

Wednesday:  Daniel 1-3

Thursday:  Review

Friday:  Daniel 4-6

Saturday:  Daniel 7-12

Sunday:  Hosea 1-3

Leading men, changing lives, bringing strength, impacting people.....Alliance Strong!


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Readings for the Week of August 17th


Not to keep kicking a dead horse, but let me say one final note about our SMS yesterday. The Alliance is not an easy ministry to be a part of. It's easy in that you will be given specific aspects of your life to work on, but doing the work is hard, but it works if you work it.

As you are reading this week's reading ponder this question: "Does God have free reign in my life to produce the fruits of The Spirit that it talks about in Galatians 5:22-23?" One of the many reasons God placed us on this earth is to produce fruit. What say ye men of The Alliance?

This week's reading:

Monday: Ezekiel 16-19

Tuesday: Ezekiel 20-23

Wednesday: Ezekiel 24-28

Thursday: Review

Friday: Ezekiel 29-32

Saturday: Ezekiel 33-36

Sunday: Ezekiel 37-39

Leading men, changing lives, bringing strength, impacting people.....Alliance Strong!



Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Kalani Beaty Teaching

Do you want to hear God’s Voice

Hearing God's Voice through Prayer and mediation i.e (communication with Christ)

When you want to have a conversation with someone, how do you begin? Do you stand in front of the person and hope they will talk to you? That might work, if the other person is outgoing enough, but usually we begin a conversation by opening our own mouths and talking, engaging the other person's attention. It's the same with God! He loves to hear us talk to Him, and it's in those moments that we prepare ourselves to hear the voice of God. Prayer is like saying, "Hello, God, it's me.
 No need for a bunch of formalities. He knows who you are. You know say he I’d like to wrap with you a moment about something.

In an ordinary conversation, we speak, then listen for the response of the other person. It's the same with God! Once we've prepared our hearts to listen through prayer, we're more likely to hear the voice of God.
 We may not actually "hear" the voice of God, but He speaks to us in many ways. Here are some of them:

  • God speaks through His Word
  • God speaks through our thoughts
  • God speaks through conversations with others
  • God speaks through circumstances

In order to have a dialog with God we not only have the talk. But we have to listen. We have to be willing to listen One of the ways that we can make our hearts and mind ready to receive God’s transmission is through mediation:

In Joshua 1:8, God tells us to meditate on His word day and night so we will obey it. The words, "meditate" or "meditation" are mentioned 20 times. And likewise in any other conversation we may spend to much time talking and not enough time listening or in meditation.  The Scripture tells us some of the things we should meditate on including:

 Meditating on the Word of God.

Psalm 1:2 says, "But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night." Psalm 119:97 says. "Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long." Joshua 1:8 reads, "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."

Meditating on the works of God.

Deuteronomy 32:4 says, "He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he."

 Meditating on Jesus.

Hebrews 12:2-3 reads, "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."

Meditating on things that are pleasing to God.

Psalm 19:14 says, "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer."

Meditating on eternal things.

Colossians 3:2 reads, "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."

Hearing God's Voice - Conclusion of the Matter
So we have the Bible, prayer, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and our own hearts to help us in hearing God's voice. Sometime the solution is simple as noted in Pslams 37:7
Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. Do you want to hear God's voice? That is the final question, for God responds to willing hearts. In the book of Revelation, we read: "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." (Revelation 3:20). God will never force you to obey Him, but waits for your willing response to His call. Are you hearing His voice right now?  


Weekly Reading for week of August 4


Are you enjoying reading the book of Jeremiah or are you just going through the motions.  Regardless of how you feel, read it and do your best to align your spirit with the truth of the Word and you will see some amazing results.  don't just look at it as some piece of historical reading, but look at it as though God is speaking to you through history.

Your reading today will allow you to see the visual aid God used as He instructed Jeremiah buy a new loincloth.  A loincloth is a wide piece of linen sas used as a man's belt and wallet.....today it's called a fanny-pack.  Jeremiah is told to burry it in the moist, muddy bank of the Euphrates River.  Later, when instructed by God to dig it up again, Jeremiah finds the best in a predictable condition.  It is rotten and useless.  The object of the lesson that God was trying to point out is that God's Chosen People, who were once close to Him, and filled with riches, have become as useless as a rotten linen girdle because of their involvement with sinful excess.

Hit me back with a response and let me know where you are "stinking" up God's Word in your life because of your excess of various sins.

This Week's Reading:

Monday:  Jeremiah 11-5

Tuesday:  Jeremiah 16-20

Wednesday:  Jeremiah 21-25

Thursday:  Review

Friday:  Jeremiah 26-29

Saturday:  Jeremiah 30-33

Sunday:  Jeremiah 34-39

Leading men, changing lives, bringing strength, impacting people.....Alliance Strong!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Weekly Reading 07.21.2008


We are not into the first of the Prophetical Books of the Bible. There will be more.
These writings give you a sense of what it must have been like for preachers "back in the day."
That is basically what Isaiah was. A preacher who was delivering the news to a nation of
people who had walked away from God. Come back to Him or suffer the consequences.

As you read this week's reading, where have you walked away from God today?
Not yesterday or last week, but today. Did you pray for someone and ask God's Blessing
in their life? Did you ask for forgiveness in your own life? Did you complete each of the
accountability questions being able to say "yes" and "no" when appropriate?
If you have not done any of the aforementioned, then you have walked away from God.
Wherever you walked away, He is in the same place you left Him. Go back to Him today
and make it as good as done!

Monday: Review
Tuesday: Isaiah 28-30
Wednesday: Isaiah 31-35
Thursday: Isaiah 36-39
Friday: Isaiah 40-43
Saturday: Isaiah 44-48
Sunday: Isaiah 49-51

Don't walk to where God ain't talking!

Leading men, changing lives, bringing strength, impacting people.....Alliance Strong!


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Message from Koop about ACC's



I love the ACC's that take place on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.  It's a time to connect with God and be empowered as men to go out and lead.

I was on the call today for the Seniors.....I know some of you may have thought that I was still on vacation, and even if I were, I would have still made the call, but that's beside the point.  The call was great, but I want to make sure that we all understand the purpose of the call. 

The call by design is to empower us.  It's the pep talk at half-time.  It's the statment made before a big game.  It's the conversation that you have with your son for the first time about being a man.  It's words you use to communicate to your daughter that no matter what happens in life, her daddy will be there for her.  That's the impact the phone call should have on each of you.  It's not a call of duty, but a call of opportunity.  It's an opportunity for you to connect your life, in order to be in touch with it.

If my counting serves me correctly, there were about 10 people on the call today, there should have been at least 17 by my calculations.  Let's transition to making RAC happen.  Talk to your brothers in The Alliance.  If you don't make a call, it should be so gut-wrenching, that you call one of the brothers and ask what you missed.

Speakers for each call need to know that you have 3-5 minutes to speak, no more.  If roundtable discussions are being had, you have about 20 seconds to make a comment.  This allows everyone to speak.  When you are on the call, mute you phone.  I heard a lot of noise on the call today.  And, just so you know, just like today, I will be on the call and not say anything at all, just to see how you guys will handle my abscence.  You did well today.  Thank you.

Some of you will be getting phone calls from the AMIT's this week.  This is your chance to minister to them.  They do have an agenda, so help them out when they call, but also take the time to minister to them when you discern the nugging of the Holy Spirit.

Noth'n but love for you guys,

Leading men, changing lives, bringing strength, impacting people.....Alliance Strong!


Alliance Commitments

AP (3xB)

My commitment was to take the Alliance more seriously. To do all that is
asked of me and really commit to the group.


My commitment is to my wife. To love her more. To lead her in prayer more. To worship with her. To lead her spiritually in a more consistent way.


My vow is to stay humble and vigilant in order to overcome the draw pornography has on
my life.


Here is what i need to be
accountable in. M
aking sure i set some time aside for my wife and i to spend andschedule with her a date day once a week like we have done before.


My commitment is to make and spend quality time with my
wife, no matter what I need to change.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Readings for the week of June 10th


Here is a great quote I read today that I thought would be appropo for this week's reading:

"Anxiety never strengthens you for tomorrow; it only weakens you for today."

This week's reading:

Monday: Psalms 42-49
Tuesday: Psalms 50-54
Wednesday: Psalms 55-59
Thursday: Psalms 60-66
Friday: Psalms 67-72
Saturday: Review
Sunday: Psalm 73-77

Leading men, changing lives, bringing strength, impacting people.....Alliance Strong!


This Week's Reading


Here is a great quote I read today that I thought would be appropo for this week's reading:

"Anxiety never strengthens you for tomorrow; it only weakens you for today."

This week's reading:

Monday: Psalms 42-49
Tuesday: Psalms 50-54
Wednesday: Psalms 55-59
Thursday: Psalms 60-66
Friday: Psalms 67-72
Saturday: Review
Sunday: Psalm 73-77

Leading men, changing lives, bringing strength, impacting people.....Alliance Strong!
